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Trash to Trendy Gala Search

Find future and past Trash To Trendy Galas in your area. 

Trash To Trendy Galas are events designed to encourage people start thinking and talking about the EcoEnlightened Age as well as to take action, EcoActions. While each gala is unique they all include upcycled attire, a focus on networding, and the goal of bringing people and communities together. Each gala receives a dedicated Trash To Trendy Gala page that functions as an online showcase for that gala’s EcoActions. The page also gives details about the gala and if applicable award categories and prizes associated with the gala.   If you are interested in learning more about hosting a Trash To Trendy Gala in your community, or at your school, organization, or business please contact us by clicking here:  contact us.

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